Coding Practices

Which is the performance killer: SELECT INTO or INSERT INTO?

There are many ways to kill performance in a script or stored procedure.  However, not many think about the possibility that adding columns to a temporary table can kill performance.  Here, I’m going to show you how a simple design decision – using INSERT vs ALTER TABLE – can have a huge impact on your procedure …

Which is the performance killer: SELECT INTO or INSERT INTO? Read More »

Pay Yourself First

The biggest problem I see is the huge number of DBAs who have let themselves fall behind. Live in interview mode, and pay yourself first, and you won’t fall behind!

Learn SQL Server OUTPUT Parameters

There are plenty of sites out there that show the syntax of using SQL Server OUTPUT parameters in your SPs, but not many take the time to explain the syntax in detail, or even why you should care. Here I’m going to show you why OUTPUT parameters are a great way to achieve your programming goals.